BOOK: "The Battle of Lys-1918" (set of 16 maps)
Set of 16 maps created for the book, "The Battle of Lys-1918" written by Colin Mattey, published by Big Sky Publishing of Sydney, Australia.
BOOK - "Shadows of ANZAC" (4 maps)
BOOK - "Potomac River Driving Tours" (13 maps)
APP - UK Expressive Map iPad App
BOOK - "Sir Samuel Burston" (12 maps)
Tivenden National Park Sweden (1 oversize map)
Journey of the SMS Emden (1 map)
BOOK - "Captain Starlight" (3 maps)
BOOK: Crawl to Freedom (6 maps)
APP - Thailand Expressive Map iPad App
APP - Peru Expressive Map Atlas App