BOOK: Australia Remembers 5: Cameron Baird (3 maps)
Set of 3 maps created for the book: "Australia Remembers 5: Cameron Baird VC, MG – Dedicated, Courageous and Born to Lead" Written by: Allison Paterson, published by: Big Sky Publishing of Sydney, Australia.
APP - Thailand Expressive Map iPad App
BOOK: Fiercely Stand or Fighting Fall
BOOK: "Desert Diggers" (3 maps)
US Urban Areas Heat Maps (5 maps)
(BOOK) Shadows on the Tracks (set of 17 maps)
Australia Sketchbook Map
BOOK - Thor's Second Voyage (1 map)
BOOK - "Conducting Counter Insurgency" (10 maps)
Book - "Sudan 1885" (12 maps)
FAA Weather LED Maps