BOOK - Modern Overland South Africa (110 maps)
700+ page guidebook including more than 110 maps created for the guidebook company Modern Overland ( I completed this project in it's entirety on my own from cover to cover, from design concept to completion. No other artists worked on the creation of this book.
BOOK: Iraq War Official History (22 maps)
APP - Idaho Expressive Map iPad App
Oahu, Hawaii, USA (1 map)
The Counties of Washington State Wall Map
BOOK: "Action Action Action" (19 maps)
BOOK: Peacekeeping Mission in East Timor (32 Maps)
Watercolor Map of Baja California (1 map)
Book - "Sudan 1885" (12 maps)
BOOK: Monash- As Military Commander (set of 21 Maps)
Iceland by RV Guidebook