PATA Compass Magazine (50+ maps
I worked for nearly 2 years as Senior Graphic Artist creating PATA Compass: The Magazine of the Pacific Asian Travel Association. During that time I created more than 50 maps for the magazine. I also did photo collage to create the covers. These were the first maps I had published by a major publishing house. Everything that has happened since in my career started with this magazine.
Azamara Cruise Commemorative Map
BOOK - Soviet Union Family Memoir (4 maps)
WWII Supply Routes to USSR
(BOOK) Mutiny on the Western Front-1918 (2 maps)
The Sojourn of Father Brunani (1 map)
BOOK - "Potomac River Driving Tours" (13 maps)
Hong Kong Mural Sized Map (1 map)
Pattaya Expressive Map (folded map)
WEB- (30 maps)
Brisbane River Run 2018 (set of 2 maps)